Welcome to my crazy life as Kade's Momma!

Milestones & notes on mommyhood, adventures in the life of a military family, crafts, life in general.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

busy summer ahead

Busy day.  Back from California around 11:30, which meant that I of course couldn't fall asleep until around 2 am.  Up at six for my AJ and some coffee with the boys.  I'm not sure what's up with them not wanting breakfast lately, but I ate about three chocolate chip muffins to myself.  Whoops...about that jogging stroller?  Josh being gone unfortunately means no working out for mom, so Kade and I might be shopping for a stroller tonight.  Or I could take him to the gym daycare, but who wants to do that?

Soooo, my goal for this blog is to help myself write down milestones & such for Kade until I get the time/space/motivation to finish up the little man's scrapbook.  This summer was supposed to be a few months off to do just that, and relax, just enjoying my bebe...well it turned into part time school, part time babysitting, full time spazzing out about putting Kade into daycare this fall when I start school full time.  So I'm hoping that I can still somehow get his book done with all that going on.

As for this week, daddy's gone, so Kade and I will be hanging out trying to do some housework and just get back to normal after our California trip.
Next week will be all about preparing for company.  My bestie Leezanne is on her way to visit from michigan and we're SO excited to see her!  She's Kade's godmother (more on that later) although he's not baptized yet.  I like telling him stories about us as kids and I hope someday he's lucky enough to find a friend as wonderful as she has been to me.
The following week Josh will be leaving yet again for more training, this time in Pennsylvania.  After that my grandparents will be here for about three weeks!  So a very busy start to our summer, but it's a great kind of busy.  

Things to get done before Daddy comes home:

unpack & all. that. laundry.

Clean up the yard

deep water

finish up Daddy's surprise birthday gift (firepit patio in our backyard!)

Study for math compass testing Monday the 30th (yay school!)

knock out all the chick flicks on our netflix queue that Josh would make insufferable by weeping loudly or mocking the entire movie- he is so not "that guy" who would sit through the notebook.  Not my hubby.

paint bedroom...possibly bathrooms

The last one on there is giving me anxiety.  I always take about two weeks just staring at paint swatches before I actually decide what it is I'm doing in a room.  Then once I get it figured out the madness hits and I'm a painting banche.  It's a little harder with Kade around, but hey, slow progress is still progress :)

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