Welcome to my crazy life as Kade's Momma!

Milestones & notes on mommyhood, adventures in the life of a military family, crafts, life in general.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Terrible twos

They're upon us. I have to admit I enjoy putting on my daycare hat and remembering how I dealt with this stuff while I was working at the CDC. Makes it easier & helps me to remember that all this is very normal. Kade is realizing that mom isn't such a pushover and screaming doesn't get you anything but more upset. He's so smart already. I can see more of him needing interaction lately. Before I think he just wanted mommy. Lately he's eager to find anyone else to observe and learn from. He said "Kaylan" today as she walked by his room as I was putting him to sleep. He likes to say "AJ did it" too. No matter what happened. AJ did it :)
It helps to focus on how he's growing and changing. Scrapbooking might be slow going, but it's keeping my mind busy as I wait for answers from my doc. Apparently I have a large blood filled cyst (TMI? Sorry) on my left ovary. Everything on my pap came back normal except I was feeling pressure and during my cycle was incapacitated in pain. Thank God I got it checked out! Now to make sure it's endometriosis or whatnot, then hopefully they can give me some sort of prognosis and we can decide if we want another child or not. If we do, it will probably need to happen sooner rather than later. It scares me to know that I could never have another kid. I don't like feeling so helpless, but Josh has been amazing with encouraging me most of the time. I don't think he understands how worried I am, but I also don't think he realizes how much pain I've been in and for how long. I'm glad to finally know that it isn't just me "being a baby" and there's a cause, but the cause scares me.
Oh well. Trying not to worry anymore. I I can get one more baby they're welcome to take all my lady parts and I'll be done with it. And if not, it will be okay. Worse things happen to better people. Trying to keep my head up and focused on the future. School starts in about 6 weeks, and I have a feeling it's gonna be a whirlwind after that.

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